Mediafax: Laurentiu Mihai (APMGR) - Covering expenditure with medicines only through clawback is not sustainable
Mediafax: Medicine producers ask for transparency in the calculation of the clawback tax, by reporting reimbursed medicines
Bursa: We support the prescription of medicines by INN and commercial name
Ziarul Financiar: Dragos Damian, at his second term as President of the Association of Generic Medicine Producers from Romania
Romania Libera: Interview APMGR President:There is not enought courage to apply certain measures
ZFCorporate: European Generic Medicines Association proposes an EU strategy to support the production of generic medicines
Romania Libera: More generic medicines, less money on prescriptions
StiriTVR.ro: Eugen Nicolaescu: the sale of generic medicines is in the advantage of the Romanian citizens
Adevarul: Vosganian: The pharmaceutical industry may be Romania's chance to catch up on foreign investment
ZF Corporate: Increasing the prescription of generic medicines saves EUR 100 million to the cost of medicines
ZFCorporate: Nicolaescu: We want to use the cheapest prescription drug, through the new framework agreement
Capital: The compensation of medicines, apple of discord
Adevarul: Generic medicine producers want to press legal charges on the National Health Insurance House
ZF Corporate: Protocol between the Ministry of Health and APMGR on reviewing prices for generics and rescheduling the payment of bills
ZF Corporate: Dragos Damian, Terapia: Who bets on a 3% economic growth?
ZF Corporate: Laurentiu Mihai, APMGR: Imported medicine are heavily promoted by multinationals, at global level
Bursa: APMGR supports ethical conduct for the issuance of medical prescriptions
Business 24: The clawback tax cost the producers 1 billion lei - Interview
Mediafax: The CC decided that the clawback tax ordinance is partially unconstitutional
Monitorul de Cluj: Government, ordered to subsidize drugs
Curentul: The generics manufacturers request that the compensation of medicines with prices below 10 lei be maintained
Capital: Patients no longer have access to cheap medicines
Ziarul Financiar: APMGR: 60% of all medicines with prices below 10 lei are produced in Romania. Removal from the list of compensations would mean the destruction of the Romanian industry
Ziarul Financiar: Dragoş Damian, APMGR: Romania replaced domestically manufactured drugs with imports of 1.2 billion euros
Ziarul Financiar: The new health law still needs much debate until it is implemented
Sanatateatv.ro: APMGR: EXCLUSION OF MEDICINES WITH REDUCED PRICES FROM THE LIST OF THE COMPENSATED ones would affect the patients considerably
Wall-Street.ro: War between producers and the Ministry of Health on the subject of cheap drugs
Capital: The new clawback tax, a half-poisoned apple for the industry
Hotnews.ro: Government policy will lead to the destruction of the local pharmaceutical industry, representatives of generic drug manufacturers support
Dailybusiness.ro: COMPANIESProducers do not agree with the new clawback tax. The government ignored their proposals
Jurnalul national: The government stocks morphine, but forgets about cytostatics
Hotnews: "There is the possibility that several companies may release the same drug on the market at the same time" - the president of the Association of Generic Drug Manufacturers, Dragos Damian
Capital: Drug manufacturers have paid the first installment of the clawback tax and are preparing for trials
Bursa: APMGR challenges the claw back tax
Ziarul Financiar: Drugmakers jointly oppose clawback tax: We can't pay, it's half the freeway
Hotnews,ro: Drug manufacturers are calling for an immediate suspension of the clawback tax
Gandul: Free and compensated drugs, withdrawn from the lists if the Government does not review the clawback tax
Evenimentul zilei: Total war between drug manufacturers and authorities. What drugs disappear from pharmacies
Adevarul: The pharma companies won a battle in the clawback tax war
Wall-Street: Do we run out of drugs? List of doctors who could disappear from pharmacies
Ziarul Financiar: The clawback tax jeopardizes hundreds of affordable drugs
Jurnalul national: Cheap drugs disappear!
Hotnews: Enalapril, Diazepam, Furosemid and other medicines may disappear from the market because discussions between generic drug manufacturers and authorities have failed
Evenimentul zilei: LIST of the 100 endangered medicines
Bursa: Clawback tax talks between generic drug manufacturers and authorities have failed