de | nov. 29, 2019 | Fără categorie
BRUSSELS, 1 July 2013 – The EGA welcomes the European Medicines Agency’s recommendation to the European Commission to approve the first two infliximab biosimilar products, both referenced to Remicade©. “This is a key milestone in the history of medicines in the... de | nov. 29, 2019 | Fără categorie
ATHENS, 13 June 2013 – Addressing delegates at the 19th EGA Annual Conference in Athens, Gudbjorg Edda Eggertsdottir stressed that generic and biosimilar medicines companies ensuring high-quality manufacturing jobs and know-how should remain in Europe;... de | nov. 29, 2019 | Fără categorie
Generic medicine producers that do not benefit from the introduction of new molecules on the list, would be severely affected by an unfair tax burden, with serious consequences for patient access to affordable treatment. The strict criteria introduced by the Ministry... de | nov. 29, 2019 | Fără categorie
The European Generic medicines Association (EGA) and its European Biosimilars Group (EBG) welcome the publication of a consensus information document on biosimilar medicines on the European Commission website. It is the result of extensive collaboration of a... de | nov. 29, 2019 | Fără categorie
The Association of Generic Medicine Producers in Romania (APMGR), association representing the interests of the main investors present on the Romanian market, asks the authorities to recalculate the cuantum of the clawback tax for the fourth quarter of 2012, in order...