de | nov. 29, 2019 | Fără categorie
BUCHAREST, 1st August – A possible exclusion of drugs with prices under 10 RON from the list of reimbursed drugs would mean an indirect “over charge” imposed on patients, an infringement of the accepted government program and on medium term an increase in public... de | nov. 29, 2019 | Fără categorie
The Government represented by the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Finance, rejected any proposal made ??by the delegates of the representatives companies of Generic Drug Manufacturers Association from Romania, ignoring economic and social effects of extremely... de | nov. 29, 2019 | Fără categorie
Imposing claw back tax corresponding for the first semester of 2012 will conduct to the total disappearance from the market of some medicines and to the insolvency of the manufacturers for generic, majority of those having important production units in Romania. The... de | nov. 6, 2019 | Fără categorie
BUCURESTI, 13 DECEMBRIE 2017 Asociatia Producatorilor de Medicamente Generice (APMGR) si Patronatul Producatorilor Industriali de Medicamente din Romania (PRIMER) acuza Ministerul Sanatatii si Ministerul Finantelor Publice ca actioneaza deliberat pentru disparitia... de | nov. 6, 2019 | Fără categorie
· Criza produselor din plasma este doar partea vizibila a unei crize profunde care se agraveaza pe zi ce trece · Medicamentele generice, care sunt, in general, medicamente cu pret redus vor continua sa dispara in mod accelerat · Solutia Ministerului Sanatatii –...